Friday, February 13, 2009

New EUS date

E. just received a call from the doctor's office. It seems as if he is able to get the EUS done sooner than March 9th after all. The EUS is now scheduled for Monday morning!

That means that today, E. needs to get an EKG, a chest x-ray and all his lab work done. We're off and running.


Update: E. was able to get his lab work and his ECG (not sure what the difference is between an ECG and an EKG, but an ECG was what finally ordered) done. For whatever reason, the chest x-ray was no longer necessary. It is our understanding that the ECG and lab work was more for the anesthesiologist than Dr. C. The EUS scheduled for Monday requires heavy sedation, and presumably better monitoring as there are more inherent risks. As far as we know, it is still an out-patient/same-day-surgery procedure. Other than calling to confirm his kidneys are functioning properly tomorrow (so he can resume his diabetic medication), he has the weekend off from medical crud.



  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys! Holler if there is anything we can do. Lisa and Rick

  2. I'm glad that they were able to get E in earlier for the EUS. We're thinking of you both and sending all our love and good thoughts. Hugs.


  3. I am stunned. and... and...

    I will send positive thoughts out to the universe and keep my fingers crossed. And keep following here.

  4. I'm glad you're getting in on Monday.

    Very glad.

  5. you're doing a great job in writing down the facts, the procedures and the plans.

    we're praying for you.


  6. Sandy, I am so sorry to her this news. I saw your post on TC and was in shock. Please know our family is praying for yours!

  7. Earl, Your in our prayers. May this be a one time successful surgery and get you back to enjoying summer bar-b-ques. Sandy, stay strong. Roger and Lynn~

  8. Sandy and E. I just can't believe this! Please know that you're both in my prayers. Life is so unfair.

    Could you check with the Mayo Clinic for a referral? I'm just thinking they may have a recommendation for a good surgeon.
