Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The CT Scan

E. drank his first bottle of Barium contrast last night. They said it was better chilled. E. said he wasn't sure anything could much help the taste. He described it as a chalky cherry Milk of Magnesia flavor, mixed with hand lotion. Yum. 5:00 a.m. and the second bottle was down. 7:00 a.m. and the third and final bottle was down.

We arrived the Radiology Department and soon he was ready to slide into the big CT machine. They inserted an IV and injected Iodine (E. says it leaves a nasty metallic taste in your mouth) to enhance the images and makes the structures/organs easier to differentiate from each other. The entire scan was over in less than five minutes!

We were disappointed to find out that results would not be immediately available. The CT would be reviewed by the radiologist, who would then forward the information to Dr. N. They said we could expect a call later this evening or tomorrow morning.

E. was told to drink lots of water and to stay close to the toilet for the next 48 hours . . . most people wind up having lots of white diarrhea until all the Barium exits the system. He was also told to return on Friday to have some follow-up lab work taken. It is important to make sure the kidneys are functioning properly and that the Iodine has been eliminated before resuming taking any medication, especially for diabetics.


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