Monday, February 9, 2009

The 1st Doctor Appt

E.'s been having trouble swallowing. Food seems to get stuck in the lower part of his esophagus and won't go all the way down. Usually he coughs and clears his throat a bit and tries to wash things down with water. It is clearly uncomfortable. Last week, stuck food actually made him throw up.

So, to the doctor we went. Dr. N . . . the gastroenterologist. Dr. N. reviewed E.'s symptoms with him and suggested doing an endoscopy immediately. An endoscopy is a procedure where a tube with a camera is inserted down the throat to check things out; it can also remove tissue and collect samples to biopsy. Dr. N. indicated that he suspected some definite gastric reflux (stomach acid which 'backs up' into the esophagus) and possibly a case of "Barrett's Esophagus" (long-term acid reflux which actually changes the cells in the lining of the esophagus, and which is often a pre-cancerous condition). Dr. N. further explained that if the lining of the esophagus had become irrated and then healed repeatedly, the build-up (I'd imagine similar to scar tissue) could make the passageway smaller and make passing food difficult. If that is what Dr. N. discovers during the endoscopy, he will insert a "balloon" and inflate it, thereby expanding the passageway again.

E.'s endoscopy is scheduled for tomorrow morning.



  1. E, some of the most powerfull prayers come from people we dont even know.

    I am one of those people, my prayers are on the way!

  2. Dear E. I am praying for you and S and the kids. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to call me. I talk to Patrick every night so I have an In with the big man upstairs. Luv Ya BMCG
