Monday, September 27, 2010

Still in the Hospital

E. did in fact get his CT today. He also got his face mask mold made. He is all set to start Cyberknife. Still no word about a possible discharge from the hospital, so as it stands right now, he'll be wheeled over from the hospital to the building next door for his Cyberknife treatments. He's currently on the calendar for three Cyberknife treatments ... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

We're really hoping that E. will be discharged from the hospital soon. Other than being a little grumpy and a lot bored, he is feeling good. He does have some cabin fever, or is that "hospital fever?" And he says the hospital food is, ummm, how should I put this? ... not very edible. He wants out of there!


  1. Glad to hear E's well enough to be bored. And, though these are not words anyone would ever imagine themselves saying, Hooray for Cyberknife!!

    I hope E's enjoying better cooking soon!


  2. I couldn't agree more with E.! Here's sending huge hugs and tons of well wishes for a speedy release from hospital prison! Although I do LOVE modern medicine and all those angels who take care of us in our times of need I too LOVE E.'s determination to get out of there as soon as he can! And go eat some good food! Jacque in Elko
