Friday, September 3, 2010

A Couple of Pictures

This is the circa 1970's hospital bed next to our big log bed. It looks even funnier in person ... reminds me of a child's toddler bed next to the parents' bed. It works though. E. likes having the ability to sleep at an incline to keep the pressure off his head, without having to rearrange pillows all the time (the ability to raise his foot also comes in handy with his swollen right foot, although he tends to prop it up with pillows like in the picture). Peanut likes having buttons to push and make Daddy seem like he's on a roller coaster ride. I like having the side rails up at night to ensure that he doesn't fall out of bed. (Notice the walker right next to the bed. And the football, of course. Peanut brings dad the football and wants to play catch, after showing off the three-point stance he learned from his brothers.) And yes, I realize that's a horrible mix of plaids and quilts, but Focus on the handsome boys in the picture and you may not notice the plaids and colors working against each other. :)

Nothing better than watching a little "Sid the Science Kid" while snuggled up with your daddy. That's a great way to start the morning! Peanut even brought his bowl of Cheerios into bed to share.

1 comment:

  1. very good one.

    An MRI scan is a safe and painless test that can provide detailed pictures of organs and other structures inside your body.
