Son of a Buck!
Son of a Bleepity-Bleep-Bleep.
Bleepin' Son of a Bleepity-Bleep-Bleep.
And an extra Bleepity-Bleep-Bleep thrown in for good measure,
for each of the 35 staples.
I guess staple removal isn't quite as pain-free as they led us to believe.
Matter of fact, after the first five staples were removed,
the nurse stopped to give E. "a breather."
His eyes were watering and he had sweat beads on his nose.
He calmly said to the nurse,
"Thanks, now let me hold myself so I don't pee all over the place."
"Come on, toughen up buckeroo," is all I could think.
You've been through chemo, radiation, kidney stones,
a pneumonia, an errant ingrown toenail,
the swine flu AND brain surgery (and that's just in the last year).
And now you wanna whine about some staples getting removed?
He shot me a look.
I bit my tongue.

This is the staple remover.
Not exactly the staple remover from Office Max I had pictured.
But whatever works, I guess.

First, the staples from the back incision were removed.

Then, the staples from the front incision.
At one point, I seriously thought E. was just gonna walk out
and leave about 9 staples in place.
For posterity's sake.

The nurse commented that the incisions are healing nicely.
Not that I've seen a lot of brain surgery incisions or anything,
but I'd have to agree.
The dried blood chunks aren't really scabs
as they aren't attached to wounds.
They are just blood blobs that dried on his skin.
Such a pretty description, don't you think?
I'm assuming they'll come off in the shower.
Maybe a washcloth would help, for a little abrasion.
"We're not abrasing nothing!!"
(Guess who said that?)