Saturday, August 28, 2010

Discussions re: Discharge

The hospital doctor did come in and confirmed that the blood clots are in the superficial vein of the arm, so that is good news. (If it had been a deep vein thrombosis or DVT, some sort of filter would have had to have been surgically placed since E. can't currently take blood thinners.) Warm compresses should help with the discomfort. E. was also advised not to be overly active with is right arm or lift anything heavy.

The hospital doctor also felt like E. and I could receive some "diabetic training" prior to discharge, which would allow E. to come home. We would learn more about monitoring his blood sugars and administering the right doses of insulin (regular insulin and long-acting insulin). The doctor has placed orders for that training, but I'm not sure when that will happen, or if a "diabetic trainer" is even available over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy and E.

    Great report and we are so happy to see E.'s progress. E. your the man!!!!! Your just like the EveryReady battery--you just keep on ticking. Your energy and fortitude is an inspiration to us all.

    My gosh has Peanut grown!He looks like quite a boy and its so great to see him so close to his dad.

    We're still working on info for you know what-we think we may have some interesting items.

    Take care and we love you guys, Uncle John and Aunt Kay
