It was another "boring" night. I like boring. :)
E. was able to sleep a little bit more, which I think helps.
He's still on the Morphine because the Demerol shot can only be given every six hours, and he was needing something more for the pain after about four hours. If he can start eating, he can begin taking oral pain medication (pill form), which we are told works better to control the pain after brain surgery than IV meds. They've got his nausea under control with meds, but he hasn't eaten anything other than the 1/4 of a saltine cracker he ate yesterday.
They removed his dressings today, and WOWZA! Those staples and scars are some doozies. Good thing chicks dig scars. Or at least this chick. His right eye is pretty swollen today and turning some nice shades of black and blue. The nurse said that is very normal, and his other eye may do the same. She said all of it may get worse before it gets better.

(Not a great picture with the cell phone, but it gives you an idea.
I know you can't see it well, but there's the stapled incision in the front,
and also a matching stapled incision in the back -
which is less visible in the photo.)
The neuro surgeon's nurses were in this morning and it sounds like there is still a possibility E. will be transferred to a regular room today. Not yet sure if he'll be on the neurology or the oncology floor. If the transfer happens today, it probably won't be until later tonight though. In the meantime, we're hanging out in ICU. We have a new day nurse and I am thrilled. While I have loved the night nurses, I hope we never see yesterday's day nurse again (I'll be kind and not say anymore about that).
And that's the "boring" report for now.
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