Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Some Random Updates

The head: It continues to heal little by little. E.'s got an appointment next Tuesday to get his staples out. Can you believe how quick that happens? He's still getting some whop-dinger headaches, but only takes minimal pain meds. He's also suffering some yucky bouts of nausea (not related to the pain meds). Sleep comes in short spurts (also affected by the midnight and 4:00 a.m. wake-ups for meds), but the mid-afternoon nap seems to help.

The arm: E.'s right arm continues to be swollen and tender from the infiltrated IV and the superficial blood clots. It is especially sensitive around the wrist area, which makes putting weight on it while using the walker difficult. A re-check with our primary care physician today confirmed that the blood clots are probably superficial as they are below the elbow (anything above the elbow is much more concerning). Since blood thinners and/or anti-inflammatories are not an option, he'll have to settle for warm compresses and elevation.

The foot: The foot, you ask??? Yes, the foot. After the initial physical therapy in the hospital, E. has been complaining about pain in his right foot. Concerned about blood clots, we visited with our primary care physician today. Turns out, it's "plantar fasciitis," which involves pain and inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot - connecting your heel bone to your toes. The bottom of E.'s foot is swollen and VERY, VERY sensitive. Again, because of the recent brain surgery, the typical medications cannot be taken. It was suggested he ice his foot several times a day and elevate it as much as possible. Generally speaking, it will heal in 8 to 10 weeks.

(So, are you picturing this yet? E., head full of staples, trying to shuffle along in his walker with a bum right arm and a bum right foot? It may not be pretty, but it sure isn't stopping him.)

The blood sugars: E. wound up being released from the hospital with the long-acting insulin, but not the regular insulin. We have been unable to keep his blood sugars in that "below 200" range which is optimal for proper healing, so we paid a visit to our primary care physician. Like we expected, she prescribed some regular insulin which will be given according to a blood sugar level scale. The amount of units given (of both the regular insulin and the long-acting insulin) will have to be tweaked regularly, with the steroid doses fluctuating like they are.

Physical therapy: E. is supposed to be getting physical therapy two or three times a week for eight to twelve weeks. That is what is prescribed. It has not started yet though because insurance authorization is required first, which may take a week or ten days. Crazy. In the meantime, E. is getting around the house quite well and I've even caught him walking without his walker a time or two (which drives me insane!). We've taken a couple of walks down the street. I walk alongside him and his assistant, Peanut, helps by pushing the walker along.

Handicapped parking placard: E.'s doctor authorized him to get a temporary handicapped parking placard. Although E. is not thrilled with the whole idea, I reminded him of the brighter side: front row parking at Wolfpack games! He's already making tailgating plans, so I know he liked the thought of that! The doctor filled out the applicable DMV authorization form. Now I just have to go to DMV, submit the form and get the placard. I dread going to the DMV. I hate the DMV. I am scared of the DMV. But I will be brave. As an added note, while the truck was parked in the hospital parking garage, someone stole the front license plate off the truck! (It appears that they also attempted to steal the rear plate, as the license plate frame is missing, and so are several screws.) I now have to fill out some "Lost or Stolen License Plate" form at DMV as well, and return the remaining plate in exchange for new plates. I did say I would be brave, didn't I? I think a visit to DMV requires more than bravery though.

Attitude: E. may be stubborn and ornery, but he's got an attitude that can't be beat. He never complains about a darn thing. He still dishes it out like always (and gets it back in return). We still laugh. A lot. And these brain tumors? "Just another bump in the road." With an attitude like that, how can you not follow his lead? I'll tell you what ... I fall in love with this man over and over again, each and every day.


  1. I love your blog! You might try a heating pad on E.'s arm too. Those IV infiltrations are very painful! Check out They specialize in help for the feet and have products for E.'s issues. Once those stapes are gone he'll feel better. I did just knowing they were gone. Get 2 Handicap placard's even if you don't think you need it so when someone steals it you don't have to go back to DMV.....someone stole ours along with passports....criminals....I love E.'s attitude and yours too! YOU ARE AMAZING! J. Elko

  2. I get periodic bouts of Plantar fascitis, mostly when I haven't been as active as I should be. A very simple stretching exercise can help:

    E should stand at the kitchen counter, both feet flat on the floor. Move the affected foot back a little and place IT flat on the floor. Lean into the counter, keeping both feet flat and the leg of the affected foot straight; he'll slightly bend the front leg at the knee. Lean into that position and hold it for 5 seconds. Move the foot back a little and repeat.

    PF can be really painful. I hope this helps.

  3. I have only gotten to know you and E through this blog, and I am AMAZED at your strength
    and continued humor!! I only hope that I could
    be so strong after going through what you and E
    have!!You are amazing!! Keep the faith and God Bless you, E and Peanut!! Linda Sanders in
    St. Louis, Mo.

  4. Jacque ~ I have yet to be brave enough to attempt the DMV. Maybe next week. Now that's they've closed all the DMV Expresses, the only thing left is the one main DMV office and it scares the crap out of me.

    Alicia ~ I read your stretching tips to E. He had one question, "Are you high?" :)

    Linda ~ Not sure how you found us, but I'm glad you did. Thank you for your kind comments and warm support. The support of others often keeps us going.

