Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm not talking about the Rolling Stones.  And I'm not talking about gem stones.

Kidney stones.

That's what we think E. had/has.

When E. got home from the ball game last night, he was walking kind of "funny."  He explained that his back was sore . . . maybe because the seats were uncomfortable or maybe because he got in and out of the back of a truck or maybe because he pulled something.  Whatever the cause, the pain was getting worse.  By the time he tried to climb into bed, he was in agony.  

No matter what position his was in, the pain continued.  Laying didn't help.  Sitting didn't help.  Standing didn't help.  I offered some over-the-counter pain medication, which of course, the macho man refused.  Then, being the kind and compassionate sort I am, I fell asleep.

I awoke to find E. standing next to my side of the bed at 4:00 a.m.  Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to take some medication after all.  Ya think?  He finally popped a pill . . . a very controversial, potent, scary IBUPROFEN.  Meanwhile, I was on the computer trying to figure out what was going on.  Was the pain related to the cancer?  Was it related to the chemotherapy?  Was it something totally new?

I strongly suggested that we take a trip to the emergency room.  E. assured me that he could make it until 8:00 a.m. when we could call the doctor's office.  I wasn't sure what the point of that would be as I assumed the doctor would recommend that we go to the emergency room anyways.  I'm not sure if E. was so miserable that he finally agreed or if he just wanted me to shut up, but we were headed to the E.R. by 4:45 a.m. (after making childcare arrangements at that fun hour, which is a story in itself).

The Ibuprofen seemed to take some of the edge off and by the time we got to triage, E. could actually hold a conversation without stopping for the pain.  Miraculously, after giving a urine sample, E. was "better."  The assumption is that he passed a kidney stone.  Aahhhh . . . big sigh of relief.

They sent us out the door with a prescription for Vicodin (which is sitting unfilled on the dining room table) and some discharge instructions.  Turns out, once you experience a kidney stone, you're susceptible to more kidney stones.  And, often times, where there is one kidney stone, there are more.

E. is now in bed.  Sleeping on and off, between the spasms of pain.  The pain has crept back up to a 6 on the pain scale, but according to him, is still not high enough to warrant pain medication.  

Feel free to stop by and beat some sense into him.


Edited to add:  I just read this blog post to E. and he sheepishly went and took another Ibuprofen.  I guess he didn't want that butt-kickin.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. I'd rather talk about the Rolling Stones.

