Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Houston Bound

It is time for us to head back to Texas. E. has a series of tests, including a PET/CT, scheduled for Friday. Then, we have appointments with doctors next Monday and again next Wednesday. We're anxious to hear what they have to say.

Aside from the anxiety we're feeling from the pending medical tests and appointments, the weather is also adding a bit more anxiety. Most of our arrangements are contingent upon the weather. If the weather is bad, then our flight might get delayed or cancelled (if E. misses his tests, then the doctor appointments become pointless). On the homefront, bad weather could really wreak havoc on our plans . . . if the weather is bad, there might be a snow day . . . if the weather is bad, our friends might not be able to travel from out of town . . . if the weather is bad, grandma might not be able to drive to our house. All that translates to potential childcare crises as each time slot is scheduled to be covered by a dear friend or family member. IF the weather is bad, things MIGHT happen.

There are many things out of our control in the world. Cancer. PET scans. The weather. (Just to name a few.) We can't stress and worry about all the IFs and the MIGHTs at every turn. So, we'll continue to try to control the one thing we can . . . our attitudes.

So, here's to positive attitudes! And good weather. And clear PET scans. And no cancer.

Yeah, all of that.



  1. OK. My contribution will be praying for no snow!

    Much love,


  2. The weather is so dang cold, the van won't start. This puts a slight kink in the plans since not many people have vehicles that can accommodate six extra kids. Crud.


  3. Sending positive thoughts your way for a no complication trip and clear PET scans and NO cancer!
