Monday, December 14, 2009


What an amazing day!

First of all, let me explain what happened with the child care situation. One of my best high school buddies (who lives in California) knew someone who once lived in Houston (but no longer does). Anyways, that person still had some connections in Houston, which is how the wonderful Miss Georgia became Peanut's babysitter. She drove AN HOUR to us, battled downtown parking, came to our hotel room, hung out with Peanut and even brought us holiday bread. And she didn't even know us! She's coming back on Wednesday too. Amazing.

Then, one of the above folks put E.'s name on some magical list. He suddenly became some sort of VIP at the hospital worthy of preferential treatment. The usual appointment process takes about 4 hours, the majority of that spent waiting (from the lobby to the waiting room to patient room). This time, we were in and out in 28 minutes. 28 minutes! Amazing.

And finally, E.'s PET scan results are GOOD. The PET was all clear! Even that pesky upper right clavicular lymph node was no longer seen. This means E. gets a well-deserved and much-desired three month break. While he's still "at risk," continuation of the same treatment at this point is not going to give him any advantage. In another three months, we'll return to MD Anderson for another PET and another Endoscopic Ultrasound. What happens at that point will depend on those results. It could mean more "wait and see," additional chemotherapy with the same protocol, new chemotherapy with different medications or possibly surgery. For now, E.'s job is to gain weight (high protein, low-fat and low-carb diet), increase activity and just get generally healthier. Amazing.

A totally amazing day.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.




  2. "Amazing" doesn't even begin to cover it. "All clear"? Thanks be to God!

    I am beyond happy for you.

  3. Thank you Heavenly Father!!! I'm so extremely happy for E., you, and the amazing Hellman/Horton family!
    We love you guys!
    The Kelly's

  4. Outstanding! We are so happy for you.

  5. How wonderful!!!! Your karmic bank account deposits are paying off a bit!

  6. Tears of joy are being shed by me for you.
    What wonderful news.
    I will pray that it continues, and give thanks to God for answering all our prayers in the way we wanted Him to.

    What a happy, happy day.

  7. ...this give new meaning to Merry Christmas! And there is a song about that warm and fuzzy feeling starting in "my" nose going clear to my toes....I dedicate it to you! I continue to love modern medicine and all of it's wonderful healing! CONGRATULATAIONS TO E. and your entire family!!!! WHOOT....let the holiday celebration beging!

  8. Thanks for all your notes of congratulations! We are full of smiles and joy this Christmas season.

    Much love from all of us.
