Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here we are again. In Texas. The route has gotten predictable . . . we have our routine down pat at the airport (I go get the rental car while E. gets the luggage), we know our way to the hotel, we've got the parking figured out, we know our way around the hospital, we know some good places to eat. It is strangely comforting in a way.

There always seems to be a kink or two, no matter how much we think we have everything planned out. We scrambled to make final kid arrangements, thankful to all those willing to help us out (Uncle Kirk, Oma, JenniferRemy, Grandma and Poppy). A couple of prescriptions didn't get filled because of poor planning on my part (darn the three-day weekend) - again, thankful to Jen who came to the rescue. And some things were just out of our control . . . over an hour on the tarmac in a completely full airplane in the Arizona heat wasn't exactly part of the plan. Nor was having to change rental cars after we absolutely could not get Peanut's car seat to fit in the back seat of the first car they gave us.

We made it though. We're sitting in our comfy hotel room, looking out the window at the overcast drizzly sky, appreciative of the lower temperatures the thunderstorms bring. In an hour or so, we'll meander across the sky walk and make our way through the hospital maze to E.'s various appointments . . . including the "big" PET/CT. The day is scheduled minute to minute with appointment after appointment. We won't be done until after 5:00 pm.

And then we won't know a darn thing until we meet with the doctor tomorrow afternoon. As much as we are ready and as hopeful and optimistic we are, our anxiety level is palpable.



  1. Waiting for results is the worst!!! Keep breathing though. My thoughts and prayers are with you today.


  2. Time moves slowly while we wait. Prayers will be answered and we will continue to hold you in ours
    luck and love

  3. Hang in there you guys, love and prayers!!!


  4. Thinking about you!

  5. E and S--been thinking of you both this week. Hope its all good news or better news you receive today. much love to you all, map
