Monday, June 22, 2009

A Bust

Today was a bust.

E. went through his "pre-op" day on Friday without any complications . . . EKG, blood work, etc. He also received instructions for his endoscopic ultrasound . . . the standard 'no food after midnight and nothing by mouth four hours before surgery.'

We checked in at 9:00 and were called back not long after. Just like his previous EUS's, the nurse checked his vitals, the anethesiologist and the doctor spoke to us, and then they hooked up his IV and wheeled him off to the operating room for his procedure at 11:00.

I asked for an update at 11:45 and was allowed to go sit with him in recovery. As he opened his eyes, he mumbled, "They couldn't do it." Huh? Obviously he was still on drugs. Turns out, he was right. They didn't do the endoscopic ultrasound.

They discovered that there was still food in E.'s stomach. Even though he hadn't eaten since dinner the previous night, the doctor explained that often after radiation, the digestive system slows WAY down. And because there is a risk for aspiration during sedation, the procedure was terminated.

Obviously this throws a kink in the plans. The surgeon needs the information that was supposed to be obtained from today's procedure when we consult with him on Wednesday morning. We pleaded our case to the scheduling queen and they were able to fit E. in for another procedure Wednesday morning at 8:00. This time, he gets a clear liquid diet for 24 hours prior to the surgery to make sure there are no potential complications with anethesia. (Liquids can be suctioned out at the time of surgery, unlike solids.) E. is not a happy camper.

Since the consultation with the surgeon was also scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8:00, we went and spoke with them in hopes of just making the appointment a little later. Things don't exactly work that way. So, whether or not we get to see the surgeon on Wednesday depends on how long the procedure takes and how late we are. Cross your fingers.

There are some things that are just out of our control.


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