Thursday, March 19, 2009


We met with the team at UCDavis . . . Dr. C., the thoracic surgeon, Dr. E., the resident doctor, and RN C., the oncology nurse.

Long story short . . . surgery is "off the table."

For Stage IV Esophageal Cancer, the risk of surgery does not outweigh the benefits. The recommendation is for definitive chemotherapy and radiation, which means the MAX dose of everything. (*****Edited to add: If E. does receive the MAX dose of radiation, then the possibility of surgery is eliminated.****)

Approximately four to six weeks after E. finishes with his 28 radiation treatments and his 2 rounds of chemotherapy, he will be rescanned and restaged. While the likelihood is not great, we are hoping and praying that he'll have responded enough to treatment to be restaged to Stage III, in which case he would be a possible candidate for surgery after all.

This latest news hits hard.



  1. you all are in my prayers, hang in there!

  2. Praying here too.

  3. Praying here with you and for you.

  4. Our prayers are with you.

  5. Stay strong. We are thinking of you guys and sending good thoughts and wishes. I love the picture of daddy and baby! too cute!

  6. Just want to let you know I'm thinking of all of you. Hope you enjoy baby!

  7. Wanted to remind you that we are still out here praying for your miracle. That little E might be the cutest baby ever! Hugs to you Sandy!

    Kim from TC
