Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Between radiation, kids, E3 and just plain ole life, we're a little tired. I've been a slacker about posting any updates and I apologize.

E. got his PICC line re-inserted on Monday and is ready to begin Round #2 of chemotherapy tomorrow. As you may recall, tomorrow is a doozy of a day . . . radiation, doctor appointments and then the LONG Cisplatin IV Infusion. He'll also get his pump back, for his four days of 5-FU treatments.

As for how is E. doing . . . he is doing surprisingly well. The biggest side effect so far has been fatigue. He tires easily and doesn't have much energy. An afternoon nap is always appreciated (but hey, who doesn't appreciate an afternoon nap?). He has had some nausea, but no actual vomitting. His tummy is very gassy and the frequent belching causes some discomfort. There have also been episodes of short intense periods of pain, but he indicates they are still manageable. Having said all that, he is not bed-ridden, he still up and about each day and he still has a great attitude (and a sense of humor that keeps up both frequently in stitches). His doctors seem surprised he is responding so well given the intense course of radiation and rounds of chemotherapy. We're cautiously optimistic that things will continue so positively.

The support of family and friends has been overwhelming. The folks at E.'s work have rallied around him like family . . . cards, phone calls, gift cards, donations and meals. We are so thankful for all that our friends, from both near and far, have done for us. It is comforting and reassuring to know that not only are people thinking, praying and caring for us, but also for our children. It means a lot. I also can't tell you how nice it is to not to have to worry about dinner . . . knowing that we will all have something good to eat each evening. We are surrounded by good and kind people. Thank you.

Each and every day as we look in awe and wonder at E3, we are reminded that miracles really do happen. He is an amazing little fellow (with some really bad hair days!) who has us all wrapped around his little finger. I will post more photos soon so you can see for yourself just how cute he really is.


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