Wednesday, November 21, 2012


By the time I got to the hospital this morning, I once again missed the GI doctor.  According to E., the GI doctor signed off on his discharge and we then just needed the Internal Medicine doctor to sign off as well.  We waited and waited and waited.  E. was getting grumpier with each click of the clock.  She finally made her rounds in the late afternoon and agreed to discharge E. with Home Health in place.  She ordered a nurse, a certified nursing assistant, physical therapy and occupational therapy.  E. didn’t think any of it was necessary, but I was especially glad to hear about the nursing care.  If nothing else, a nurse can offer IV hydration, which I think will be a huge help.  E. seems to think he can drink enough by mouth, but I don’t agree.  The nurse can also collect labs.  Considering E. went through four IV’s in his short hospital stay, we discussed the possible need for a picc line or a port.  We’ll have to discuss this further with his primary care doctor.  The funniest thing to me was when E. argued against physical therapy, stating that he would instead just go to the gym and work out.  Now, those of you that have seen him in the last few weeks, know that that there is no way he is going to be going to the gym any time soon, even for a visit, let alone to work out.  When the doctor suggested that the CNA could help him with showers, E.’s facial expression said it all.  She caught on quickly and revised her initial statement by saying that the CNA could offer his wife suggestions of how she could help him with showers and other daily tasks.  Haha.  

It took awhile to get IV’s disconnected, discharge papers filled out, prescriptions written and a wheelchair delivered.  We were finally out the door and still had to stop at the pharmacy.  The first order of business at home was a nice, long, hot shower.  Toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, lotion, pajamas and back in bed by 8:00 p.m.  Ahhhh, home sweet home.

So thankful.


  1. Now thats what I'm talkin about:)

  2. Home sweet home, so glad you could be home for Thanksgiving and could be together! Good to hear RR is doing better.
