Thursday, November 1, 2012


E. underwent his endoscopy without any complications.  He even came out of anesthesia with ease, which he doesn't always do.  Dr. N was quick to meet me at E.'s bedside with a diagram, which I knew wasn't good news.  He drew me a picture of E.'s stomach and the mass he found in the small intestine, specifically in the "duodenal bulb."  He said based on E.'s history, he'd guess it was mets from the esophageal cancer, but he took biopsies which would be sent out to the lab.  According to the preliminary report, the findings were as follows:

1.  Duodenal bulb lesion with partial obstruction.  Lesion seemed firm and friable.  Biopsies were obtained.  There is concern for invasion of the duodenal wall by metastatic adenocarcinoma.
2.  Duodenitis.
3.  Gastritis.
4.  Esophageal varices.

The biopsies should be back tomorrow, but Dr. N would be out of the office, so we won't know anything until Monday.  Grrr.

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