Monday, April 2, 2012

March 2012 MRI Results

E. had his latest MRI on Friday.

We met with the radiation oncologist today.

He walked in and immediately said, "Well, there's a little bit of change." I think I stopped breathing. He went on to say that the change might be consistent with "ongoing evolution of scar tissue." I exhaled a little. That was good, right? He further stated that things looked "faded and fuzzy" (which we have learned is good). E. asked if anything looked nodular (which we have learned is bad). Nothing nodular. And even better, there was nothing new to look at since the last scan. No new stuff growing. We're still watching what the old stuff is doing. So, we're in a holding pattern of "watch and see."

Inhale. Exhale. Big sigh of relief.

Next scans coming up in June.



  1. I love good news. Really. I do. It makes me smile.

    Giving thanks for continued good news. And smiles :)

    Love to all of you,

  2. We are so happy for you. Hope that we get good reports for many years to come, forever!

  3. I'm glad I checked the blog today! :) I LOVE GOOD REPORTS! .....and I'm smiling too! Jacque in Elko
