Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chemo Update

Since we've received a few phone calls wondering how E. was doing, I figured I'd post an update. But there really isn't much of an update. He powered through the last infusion day just like the others and has about wrapped up the oral medications as well. Round #4 almost done.

The side effects have been pretty much the same . . . lots of fatigue, some general discomfort and restlessness, tummy troubles, and that weird cold sensitivity. Even though he dozes on and off all day long, he never gets that feeling of being rested as it is never that deep refreshing sleep. For several days after the IV chemo, he also experiences some "chemo brain" . . . out of whack equilibrium, a bit of confusion, slow reflexes, and an all-around sense of being "off." He has been able to avoid any hand-foot syndrome though and for that we've been thankful (the pictures in the brochure looked grusome).

I told E. that I was posting an update to the blog and asked if there was anything he wanted to add.


Wow. Heartfelt. Moving. After razzing him a bit, he added . . .

"Thanks for all the continued support. Your thoughts and prayers mean a lot."


He's right though. It really does mean a lot.



  1. Dear RR,
    You continue to amaze me. I am so proud of you and the strength you have shown through all
    of this. I'm so very grateful to S. as well. She is truly the best. Of course our prayers continue and as Daddy would say, "Keep strokin'."

  2. my prayers are with you and S. keep up the good fight. you are as handsome as ever but not as good looking as that son of yours, lets have some pics of S

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

