Since two years has passed since E.'s diagnosis, it seems only reasonable that Peanut is turning two. After all, he was born a few short weeks after we first learned E. had cancer. And yet, it doesn't seem possible. It doesn't seem possible that two years has already gone by. It doesn't seem possible that one precious little munchkin has brought so much joy to our lives in two years.
He looks thrilled about his birthday cake, doesn't he?
He was actually thrilled about the candles.
He blew them out with much gusto, just as soon as they were lit.
Then he blew them out again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
It was the highlight of the night, I'll tell ya.
His new ride.
As you can tell, he loves it.
His legs are just long enough so that his feet reach the pedals
They are not long enough though that he can actually pedal,
which causes great frustration.
Thankfully, there are many volunteers who can push him around.
I realize he may look like he is throwing a gang sign here.
What he's actually doing is showing us that he's "2."
Yeah, he doesn't quite have that down yet.
We'll work on that.
Happy Birthday beautiful boy.
We love you Peanut
and are so glad you blessed our lives.
Happy birthday to your beautiful boy... and happy birthing day to you, Mama! What an amazing 2 years it has been for you!!! Much love.