But the bigger update is that E. had a PET/CT scan on Tuesday and a MRI yesterday ... EVERYTHING IS STABLE! "There are no findings to suggest recurrent tumor or metastatic disease."
The PET/CT scanned from the base of the skull to the thighs, while the MRI focused on the brain/skull.
The PET/CT was clear. Nothing lit up. Gotta love that.
The MRI looked very much the same as it did three months ago. The "enhancement" (the white area around the removed tumors that lit up) looked the same. As you may recall, at the time of the last MRI, we weren't sure if the enhancement was delayed treatment effect or if it was new cancer growth. We were in the "wait and see" mode ... waiting for three months to get a comparison MRI. Yesterday's MRI showed no change, which indicates the enhancement is in fact treatment side effects. Woot Woot!!! The "necrosis" (the dead tissue where the tumors used to be) is actually a bit smaller. When asked if these areas of enhancement and necrosis would change in the future, Dr. L. said that they may stay looking the same and she thinks "that will be the case here."
Next up ... repeats scans in six months. Yippee!!!