The anti-seizure medication (Dilantin) that E. is currently taking seems to be doing a good job keeping the seizures at bay, but the problem is that Dilantin isn't an ideal medication for long-term use. Long-term side effects can include dental issues (specifically regarding the gums) and bone disease (specifically weakening of the bones). Since it looks like E. could potentially be on anti-seizure medication for the long haul ... like twenty or thirty years! ... it's time to switch to a different medication. Enter Keppra. With these anti-seizure medications, it is not a simply as stopping one and starting another though.
E. will begin taking the Keppra by taking one pill each evening for five days, while continuing to take the Dilantin. He will then take one in the morning and one in the evening for five days. Then one in the morning and two in the evening. On and on it goes until he reaches three pills in the morning and three pills in the evening. Once he's reached that dosage and stabilizes there for a few weeks, we'll touch base with the doctor again. Then, after a couple of months, he can begin to wean off the Dilantin. It is quite the process.
Of all the anti-seizure medications available, it seems that people tolerate Keppra the best for long-term use. Approximately 15-20% of folks though seem to have increased moodiness and irritability. Cross your fingers that E. is in the majority, not in the minority for this statistic.
The neurologist was optimistic that the Keppra would be all that was needed to keep E. seizure free. She was not surprised that he was experiencing seizure activity, considering all that his brain has been through. There isn't really much follow-up needed other than monitoring the medication, and another EEG isn't even foreseen unless there are some drastic changes. The doctor did mention that in periods of severe stress or illness, E.'s seizures may increase in intensity or frequency. If that happens, there's another medication that he can take to help through those times as well.
Next up: Texas. It snuck up on us this time, but it's almost here again. All day of travel on Tuesday the 1st, all day of tests and scans on Wednesday the 2nd, doctors' appointments the morning of Thursday the 3rd and then home that evening. As always, positive vibes, good thoughts and prayers are appreciated.