Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day of Tests

After a long day of traveling (with a not-so-happy toddler and even-less-happy co-passengers), we finally crashed in the hotel bed at about midnight ... with that squirmy toddler snuggled comfortably between us (comfortably for HIM, that is). E. was not allowed to have anything by mouth prior to the morning's tests, so there was no rush to eat breakfast before his first appointment.

Peanut and I dropped E. off at "Nuclear Medicine" for his PET/CT scans at 10:30 a.m. and proceeded to wander the halls while we waited for him. We stopped at the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat and then we walked around some more. We walked, and we walked, and we walked. E. was finally done at 1:30, which gave us enough time to eat a quick lunch of tuna sandwiches before his next appointment. After a slight mishap of taking him to the MRI center in the wrong building, we arrived at his 2:30 p.m. appointment at the right location only a few minutes late. They told me it would be at least a couple of hours, which at least meant that Peanut could get a nap in (and maybe me too!). By 4:45, Peanut and I were cruising the halls again, waiting for E. to be done. It was about 5:15 p.m. before he was finally out and ready to go.

E. said the tests were "fine." He said the PET/CT scan was the same as the ones in the past. He stated that the MRI was very different than the ones he received at home though. They put ear plugs in his ears, rolled towels on the sides of his head and then a hard, clear, plastic piece came down over his head, like a "stealth fighter pilot." He said it was very loud and very confining. They gave him a button to push if he had a panic attack, but E. said he closed his eyes through the entire thing and didn't have to push the button at all. At some point during the MRI, E. said he could feel his head burning in the spots where he had had the surgery. Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? Is that normal? Is that not?

I have a feeling it's going to be a long night. We meet with the doctor tomorrow at 11:00 and should know the test results then.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Texas Bound

Here we go again.

We're headed to Texas in the morning. Travel all day Monday. Tests all day Tuesday ... labs, PET/CT, MRI and possibly an endoscopy. A doctor appointment on Wednesday and another doctor appointment on Thursday. Home on Friday.

Or that's the plan as of today anyways.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!
It's that time of year to be thankful
and we obviously have much to be appreciative about.
Thankfulness abounds in our home ...
which is evident by our "Thankful Tree."

Just take a look at some of these great leaves
expressing all the things our family has to be thankful for.

Every day we each rattled off one thing we were thankful for.
We could have kept going for months.
We could have had enough leaves to decorate the trees of a forest.
That's a pretty neat feeling.
I am, well, thankful.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Peanut Enjoying Fall

He loved playing in the leaves in Grams and Gramps' backyard.

And he thought he could climb trees just like his big brothers!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Help Needed - COVERED

Updated: Throughout this journey, E. and I have repeatedly counted our blessings. We have been left speechless time and time again by the outpouring of love and support by our family and friends. The kindness shown us, and our children, has been heart warming and uplifting. There have been some true Hallmark moments, which have filled up the well of goodness in our hearts and that we draw from on the rainy days. It has brought more sunshine to our lives than you'll ever know. It is difficult to put into words the gratitude and appreciation we feel. And you've done it again folks ... you've reduced me to a mascara-streaked, snotty-nosed, blubbering-mess. What can I say? Warm and fuzziness brings out the best in me. The boys will all be in good hands while we're in Texas and for that, we thank you! S.


We've got another trip planned to Texas and need some help on the homefront. E. is scheduled for the full body PET/CT scan, as well as the MRI of his brain. Additionally, he has several doctors' appointments scheduled too.

We'll be taking Peanut with us, but are hoping to piece together coverage for the rest of the crew while we're gone. We'll be leaving Monday after the kids go off to school and we'll be home on Friday before bedtime. Here's what we're looking at:

Monday, November 29th

COVERED 3:20 pm: pick up gymnast from school (SSES) and take to gymnastics (by Wild Island)

COVERED 4:00 pm - 8:00ish pm: hang out with boys, help with homework, make dinner, oversee bedtime routine

COVERED 7:30 pm: pick up gymnast from gymnastics (by Wild Island) and take home

COVERED Overnight and Tuesday (11/30) morning duty: oversee morning routine ... boys up at 7:00 a.m. and out the door for the school bus at 8:05 a.m.

Tuesday, November 30th

COVERED 4:00 pm - 8:00ish pm: hang out with boys, help with homework, make dinner, oversee bedtime routine

COVERED Overnight and Wednesday (12/1) morning duty: oversee morning routine ... boys up at 7:00 a.m. and out the door for the school bus at 8:05 a.m.

Wednesday, December 1st

COVERED 3:00 pm - 8:00ish pm: (school gets out early on Wednesdays, hence the earlier start time) hang out with boys, help with homework, make dinner, oversee bedtime routine

COVERED Overnight and Thursday (12/2) morning duty: oversee morning routine ... boys up at 7:00 a.m. and out the door for the school bus at 8:05 a.m.

Thursday, December 2nd

COVERED 3:20 pm: pick up gymnast from school (SSES) and take to gymnastics (by Wild Island)

COVERED 4:00 pm - 8:00ish pm: hang out with boys, help with homework, make dinner, oversee bedtime routine

COVERED 7:30 pm: pick up gymnast from gymnastics (by Wild Island) and take home

COVERED Overnight and Friday (12/3) morning duty: oversee morning routine ... boys up at 7:00 a.m. and out the door for the school bus at 8:05 a.m.

Friday, December 3rd

COVERED 3:20 pm: pick up gymnast from school (SSES) and take to gymnastics (by Wild Island)

COVERED 4:00 pm - 8:00ish pm: hang out with boys, help with homework, make dinner, oversee bedtime routine

COVERED 7:30 pm: pick up gymnast from gymnastics (by Wild Island) and take home

We should be home in time to tuck everyone in for bed! Anyone up for a piece of the adventure? (I'm not really sure how I can make this sound more appealing. 15 passenger van available for your use? Burping and farting contests a regular occurrence? Knock-knock jokes to your heart's content? Stocked refrigerator?)

Please, really, if you can help out ... let us know. We'd sure be appreciative.