Friends are blessings.
That means you.
And you.
And you.
And you, hiding in the back.
We see you.

We've been lucky enough to be surrounded by friends and family
throughout this journey.
And your friendship has not gone unnoticed.
The company during chemo.
The running of boys here and there.
The phone calls and e-mails.
The football games.
The school supplies.
The dinners, all the yummy dinners.
The taking care of the boys.
The taking care of the girls.
The gift cards.
The notes and texts of support and encouragement.
The shoveling of the driveway.
The cleaning of the pantry.
The dog sitting.
The laundry folding.
The financial contributions.
The visits.
The Peanut spoiling.
The getting us out.
All the extras that have kept us sane.
(Okay, maybe not totally sane, but saner {more sane?}
than we would have been without you.)

The sincere prayers, kind thoughts and good mojo.
Yup, friends are definite blessings.
And we are blessed beyond measure.