E. finished IV chemotherapy #12 today! Woohoo! He is so looking forward to getting a break, re-energizing a bit, and putting some meat back on his bones. He's still got a week's worth of oral chemo to go, but the end is in sight. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved he will be to have it all finished (for now anyways).
E.'s dad came to visit for a few days and hung out with E. in the infusion room today. While probably not as good as a day hunting or fishing, at least it was a day for some father/son time. Time that I think both of them needed. It's good to see them together.
I suggested we postpone Thanksgiving a week or so, but E. wouldn't hear of it. I also suggested that we *gasp* order our Thanksgiving meal from a local grocery store, but E. just rolled his eyes at me. So, tomorrow, one.day.after.chemo., E. will be cooking a complete HOMEMADE Thanksgiving feast. There will be an over-abundance of good food, so if you and yours would like to stop by, consider yourself invited. We would welcome the company.
* Edited to add: I just read the title of this post and chuckled to myself. That'd be chemo #12, not kid #12, We're good with 11 thankyouverymuch. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
E. is dead-ass tired.
Wednesday was a typical chemo day. Even Thursday and Friday were pretty much normal, considering they were the two days post-chemo. I was pleasantly surprised, as I had anticipated that this round of chemo might be tougher for E. since he was still battling the flu and pneumonia. All in all, it was better than expected. Things seemed status quo.
Until Friday afternoon.
Then it hit.
Energy sucking fatigue. Overwhelming exhaustion. Extreme tiredness.
Since then, he's slept more than he's been awake. He hasn't gotten out of bed much, although did make it to the couch for a couple of hours. The tv remains on (alternating between sports channels, food channels and the history channel), but he's only watched a few minutes here and there. He's slept, slept, and slept some more.
Obviously, he needs it, right? Sleep, I mean. People always say that sleep is good for healing the body. I sure hope that's the case.
Sweet dreams E.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Chemo's a Go
We met with E.'s oncologist today. While his blood counts aren't wonderful, they aren't horrible either. The doctor felt comfortable with continuing with the scheduled chemotherapy tomorrow.
This came as a great relief to E. If this round of chemo got pushed back, then the next round of chemo would get pushed back too . . . and the follow-up PET scan . . . and the trip to Texas.
E. just really wants to get these last two rounds over and done with.
A visit with E.'s primary care provider yesterday confirmed that E.'s on the right track. The three antibiotics appear to be working. A cough syrup with codeine was prescribed to help with E.'s coughing spells so he can get some sleep at night. E. will continue to take Mucinex during the day to loosen that junk up and get it out of there.
Now we're just hoping that the side effects from chemo aren't going to hit him worse in his weakened state. Healthy vibes and positive thoughts.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Moot Point
It's all a moot point.
The doctor came in.
E.'s chest x-ray looks good.
His blood counts are going the right direction.
He is being released.
We are blowing this popsicle stand!
New Rules
E. called me this morning on my way back to the hospital and informed me that a new nurse had come on shift. With this new nurse, came "new rules." Supposedly, she reviewed the policy and interpreted "isolation" differently.
E. is now confined to his room. He cannot leave. The door must be shut. The nurse will no longer wear a mask, gown and gloves when entering his room, but rather a space suit (SCBA at all!). Visitors will be limited to adult family members. Visiting times will also be limited. And the part that really chapped my hide . . . the nurse would be CALLING HIM ON THE PHONE to check on him! What the ??? If that's the case, think they can just call him at home?
I walked into the hospital ready to scrap. I got to E.'s room, only to find all sorts of new notices and warnings posted all over his door. I grabbed a mask and was about to open the door, when THE NURSE stopped me. She greeted me with, "I was warned you would be coming." Needless to say, we didn't get off to a good start. I bit my tongue although I was really ready to throttle her.
So, here I am, in E's room. Thinking of the various options. Trying to collect some facts. Figuring out who I am going to call. Deciding how I am going to proceed. Reminding myself to be diplomatic and calm. Grrrrr.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Doctor Rounds
The doctor was just in. (A doctor that practiced in Elko for 23 years and that I knew! Small world.)
E. gets to stay another night at the ole Bed and Breakfast.
They'll draw E.'s blood again in the morning. And do another chest x-ray as well. If everything is headed in the right direction, there is a chance he could go home tomorrow.
As everyone knows, sleep is hard to come by at the hospital (aka Bed and Breakfast) so let's hope E. can go home soon. He'd really like to get some sleep in his own bed.
Limo Service
Can you say stubborn???
I nagged. I begged. I pleaded. He refused to go to Urgent Care.
Unfortunately, Peanut is sick too. It was only when I said I was going to take Peanut to Urgent Care so I might as well take him too, that E. reluctantly agreed to go.
E. and Peanut had matching temperatures . . . 102.5.
Matching diarrhea.
Matching vomiting.
Matching all-over-cruddiness.
Peanut was proclaimed to have "the flu" and Tamiflu was prescribed. (As a side note, many, many thanks to Jenn for rescuing Peanut, retrieving his things, filling his prescription and saving the day. She's been pooped on, peed on, and puked on, and she still loves the little guy! Peanut could use your good thoughts too, as he is still super sick. The Tamiflu and the Tylenol won't stay down, so he's simply miserable.)
E.'s case was a little more complicated. He was dehydrated. Because he hasn't been able to take his diabetes medication (since he can't take the meds on an empty stomach and hasn't been able to keep anything down), his blood sugars were out of whack. His oxygen saturation level was poor. He had "tachycardia" (a too fast heartbeat, I am told).
So, he got a limo ride . . .

Oh yes, that is an ambulance you're seeing. Captured on my cell phone.
You can imagine how thrilled E. was.
I will tell you this . . . as he was being loaded on the gurney,
he looked at me and said,
"I guess I should have listened to you, huh?"
Ya think???
After a few hours in the emergency room, this is what we discovered:
* E.'s temperature climbed to 103.4. Tylenol helped.
* A "quick test" for Flu A and Flu B was negative. It is my understanding that that test will be sent out and there is still a possibility that something could come back positive.
* A nasal swap was collected for HINI. (Holy smokes . . . that was not at all like I imagined. I think they were trying to reach the back of his brain with that swab!) It was also sent out and the results won't be available for a couple of days.
* The tests for Flu A, Flu B and H1N1 could all come back negative and he could still have "the flu." Just some other strain.
* His heartrate continues to be fast, so he's on a heart monitor. Other than being too fast though, there's no abnormal activity.
* Blood was collected for cultures. They want to check for other possibilities of infection. Things have to be "grown out" before we'll know anything there.
* A chest x-ray showed the beginnings of a pneumonia.
* A medication called Phenergan really does help with nausea, but it leaves a sore hiney.
* His blood sugar climbed to 212. Then 250. Then 280. They're keeping it stable with insulin now.
* Oxygen has helped with the dizziness and light-headedness.
Then . . . he was admitted. Yup, the stubborn butthead had to spend the night in the hospital.
He's in "isolation." Visitors have to be healthy, over 18, and have to "mask up" to visit.
He's gotten bags of hydration.
He's taken Tamiflu.
He's gotten three different IV anti-biotics.
He's doing breathing treatments.
His blood sugar is being monitored and controlled with insulin.
His heart continues to be monitored, but seems normal.
His fever is being kept down with Tylenol.
He continues to receive oxygen.
He looks waaaay better today (he won't let me post a before and after picture . . . drat). He says he feels a bit better too.
A doctor is supposed to check in on him today, but it's Saturday, so who knows when that will happen. E. did have to submit his meal requests for tomorrow, so that wasn't a good sign for getting out of here today, but we can still hope.
The next time any of you see E. and want to slap some of that stubbornness out of him, feel free.
Friday, November 6, 2009
E. is sick. Not really sure what it is . . . sore throat? cold? stomach bug? flu? all of the above? He feels like crap. And he doesn't look much better.
I'm worried he will become dehydrated.
I'm worried it will get worse.
I'm worried the chemotherapy schedule will be changed.
I'm thinking a visit to the doctor is definitely in order. I wish I could convince him of that.
He is really sick.
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