Here we are.
Infusion room.

E.'s port.
Notice how he shaves his chest area on chemo day?
Ripping off the tape is much less painful that way.

That would be the needle they put into the port.
(Numbing cream he puts on his port a couple of hours before
makes it so he can't even feel the needle going in.)

Needle in. Port accessed.

All secured with a bandage so everything stays in place.

A little hydration.

A blood draw.
Right from the port, so no new sticks.

Pre-chemo steroids.

Chemo drug #1.

Bright neon stickers.
Chemo alert. Chemo alert.

Precautions must be taken when dealing with chemo drugs.
Blue gowns.
Protective eyewear/goggles.
Long thick rubber gloves. (Not the flimsy latex ones.)

Chemo drug #2.

IV pole hanging with bags.

Chemo drug #3.

Almost done.

Flushing the port with some Heparin.

Chemo day is over.
Time to sleep.
Rinse, lather, repeat in two weeks.